Analyzing the Importance of Food Security for the Romanian Economy

Bogdan Bazgă
Ioan-Radu Petrariu
JEL codes: 
F52 - National Security; Economic Nationalism, F60 - General, F64 - Environment, I31 - General Welfare, O13 - Agriculture; Natural Resources; Energy; Environment; Other Primary Products, Q13 - Agricultural Markets and Marketing; Cooperatives; Agribusiness, Q15 - Land Ownership and Tenure; Land Reform; Land Use; Irrigation; Agriculture and Environment, Q18 - Agricultural Policy; Food Policy.
In this research, there will be analyzed the importance of food security for the Romania's agriculture and Romanian economy. For Romania, the agriculture it is one of the most important sectors - a powerful engine of economic development, given the particular potential of our country's agriculture. Sustainable development of the national economy in the next decade can be achieved only by making maximum use of agriculture, the right balance for agriculture prices for all commodities – price volatility, food processing and distribution system. Food security depends on giving the people the proper nutritious and healthy goods that enable them to develop social, political and economic activities.
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