
The list of articles, whether published or unpublished

Authors Article title Published at Post date
Dumiter . Florin Cornel Central Bank Independence and Inflation Targeting. The Case of Romania 2009/09/01 2014/06/10
Cernat-Gruici, Bogdan Some Empirical Evidence on the Relationship Between Acquisitions, Disposals and the Stock Market 2009/09/01 2014/06/10
Gangone, Andreea Daniela Integrarea organizaţiei în mediul său social – premisă a creşterii performanţei sale economice 2009/09/01 2014/06/10
Dimitriu, Maria Irina China, un model atipic de putere 2005/03/01 2014/05/23
Cucu, Irina Evoluţie şi tendinţe în dezvoltarea Uniunii Europene 2005/03/01 2014/05/23
Boloma, Cătălina De la securitatea militară la securitatea ecologică 2005/03/01 2014/05/23
Vlasceanu, Gheorghe Landscape Changes in the Valley of the Danube as a Result of Human Activities Impact 2005/06/01 2014/05/14
Paul van Steen Magnifying Firm Dynamics. Micro Level Dynamics in a Population of Dutch Firms, 1998-2003 2005/06/01 2014/05/14
Jouke van Dijk Economic Performance and Labour Productivity in Dutch Regions 2005/06/01 2014/05/14
Martin van der Velde Border and Labour Market 2005/06/01 2014/05/14
Neguţ, Silviu The urban micro region: Deva - Hunedoara - Călan - Simeria 2005/06/01 2014/05/14
Neguţ, Silviu The Romanian Urban Network 2005/06/01 2014/05/14
Neacşu, Marius Cristian City image. The dynamic of inside perception betwee n 2001 and 2004. Case study: Ploieşti 2005/06/01 2014/05/14
Lambregts, Bart Polycentricity and the Eye of the Beholder. A Multi- Layered Analysis of Spatial Patterns in the Dutch Randstad 2005/06/01 2014/05/14
Gavriş, Alexandru Disfunctions in the large urban habitat Berceni- Bucharest 2005/06/01 2014/05/14
Ashworth, G.J. Place Branding: a Useful Approach to Place Management? 2005/06/01 2014/05/14
Tudor, Cristiana Correlation Analysis on Bucharest Stock Exchange 2006/03/01 2014/05/12
Surawsk, Bartosz M. „Education for Entrepreneurship” – EU-supported Post-Graduate Course in a Countrywide Academic 2006/03/01 2014/05/12
Lupu, Radu A methodology proposal for Stock Market Reactions to Expensing Stock Option Compensations 2006/03/01 2014/05/12
Popescu, Madalina Credit Risk Rating Migration Analysis 2006/03/01 2014/05/12
