A customer value based system is a task few companies can achieve. The companies originated from Japan have covered a long way from international expansion to the capitalization of competitive advantages. On this way of international experience, the most important Japanese companies have simultaneously set up and increasingly perfected the marketing system. This system has advanced and been improved in terms of customer value identification and understanding, target market value selection, value creation, communicating, delivery and monitoring. These marketing practices eased the important successes of the Japanese companies in international markets. Câteva din efectele acestor succese sunt cresterea permanenta a comertului exterior al Japoniei, diversificarea pietelor si a partenerilor, multiplicarea numarului, locatiei si functiilor bazelor din strainatate, prezenta firmelor japoneze în top 10 al agentiilor publicitare si în top 50 al firmelor dupa cheltuielile publicitare efectuate These successes emphasize the validity of the customer value based system of the Japanese companies.