Understanding the review form






In the procedure described below, we are assuming that you already have an user account on this website.

Please read carefully the following information and feel free to ask us any questions by sending a message to the editors. Put the word editor as the message recipient, in order to send a message to all the registered editors.


How do I become a reviewer: In order to become a reviewer, you have to register an user account. Then you should log in, go to your account profile and use the appropriate button there - Apply for reviewer role.


Staying informed: You will receive messages regarding your reviews and other important informations. Because of this, you should login from time to time, in order to read your messages.

You can enable email alerts in your user profile, so that you receive an email every time you receive a message on this site.

When you are assigned a paper to review, the system will automatically create a review form for you, and you will receive a message about it.

Anonimity: The peer blind review process means that you do not know the identity of the author, when you are doing a review. Also, the author doesn't know your identity.

Recommendations and decisions: You will need to login and fill in all the available fields in this review form, and make a recommendation for the author. After you save your review form, the system will evaluate the existing reviews for the paper and it will take a decision - to accept the paper for publishing if there are two favourable reviews, or to reject the paper, if there are two negative reviews.

Of course, there is the possibility that a reviewer recommends that the paper should be accepted, but under the condition that author should modify his/her paper. These revisions that you request can by minor revisions or major revisions.

Comments: The reviewer comments should help the author understand what, why and in which regards the paper should be modified.

Fixing the paper: After the paper's author modifies his paper, the system will let you know by sending a message. Your review form will be unlocked and you will be able to change your review, based on the paper's revisions made by its author. You will give another recommendation which will make the system decide again.

If the paper is accepted, the system will notify the author.

If the author fixed his paper following your recommendations, the system will notify you.

Logs: All activities on this website are logged and editors are carefully supervising the paper submission process and the peer blind review process.


Review form description:

The fields you will find in a review form are described below:

  • The title of your review is preset and cannot be changed.
  • The reviewed paper is preset and cannot be changed.
  • The due date for you to complete the form is preset by the system and cannot be changed. The standard deadline for a review is 4 weeks. You can request editors a deadline extension by sending a message to the editors.
  • The research area of the reviewed paper - you cannot change this field.
  • The reviewed paper tipology - you should select one of the available options.
  • The paper profile - you have 15 subfields to check here, by selecting a value of 1 up to 5, 1 being the worst evaluation, 5 being the best.
  • The reviewer comments - You should write here a few words for the author. Please do not reveal you identity.
  • The recommendation - You should choose one of the available options. If you recommend YES - no changes required, the system will accept the paper if there is also another reviewer saying the same. If you recommend YES with minor/major revisions, please expect the author to read and follow your reviewer comments. Then you will be notified when the author fixed his paper (check your message inbox ).
  • The SAVE button - when you save your review, the system will analyze your recommendation and it will take a decision if there are two reviews.





See also: The REJ Guide for reviewers