Hurduzeu, Raluca-Elena |
Culture And Leadership: The Case Of Romania |
16/06/2015 |
2015/06/16 |
Burciu, Andreea |
A brief analysis of the outsourcing industry in Romania |
16/06/2015 |
2015/06/16 |
Şimandan, Radu Ioan |
Free to Enterprise : Economic Freedom and Entrepreneurship In Romania |
16/06/2015 |
2015/06/16 |
Emenike, O. Kalu |
Response of Foreign Private Investment to Public Debt in Nigeria |
16/06/2015 |
2015/06/16 |
Danciu, Victor |
Successful Green Branding, a New Shift in Brand Strategy: Why and how it works |
16/06/2015 |
2015/06/16 |
Ciocoiu, Cristina Elena |
The effects of the European Regional Development Fund on the large Romanian enterprises |
16/06/2015 |
2015/06/16 |
Besart, Kadia |
”Fear of Floating” in Albania and Economic Growth |
16/06/2015 |
2015/06/16 |
Călin, Adrian Cantemir |
Eloquence is The Key – the Impact of Monetary Policy Speeches on Exchange Rate Volatility |
16/06/2015 |
2015/06/16 |
Halime Temel Nalın |
Testing The Random Walk Hypothesis: An Application in the BRIC Countries and Turkey |
2015/03/21 |
Oanta,Ilie Stefan |
The business fluctuations and the lobbying evolution in European Union, Canada and USA |
17/03/2015 |
2015/03/18 |
Matei , Florentina Daniela |
17/03/2015 |
2015/03/17 |
Dima , Teodor |
Social Media Usage In European Clubs Football Industry. Is Digital Reach Better Correlated With Sports Or Financial... |
17/03/2015 |
2015/03/17 |
Bușega, Ionuț |
The impact of the financial crisis under the effects of increasing global economic interdependence. The case of Eastern... |
17/03/2015 |
2015/03/17 |
Vîlcu , Roxana Cristina |
Analysis of Purchasing Power Parities in Romania in the context of EU integration |
17/03/2015 |
2015/03/17 |
Săveanu, Mircea |
On the issue of Roşia Montană gold exploitation An application and extension of the Arrow-Fisher uncertainty model on... |
17/03/2015 |
2015/03/17 |
Munteanu, Claudiu-Catalin |
Competitive differentiation through brand extensions in the era of hyper competition |
17/03/2015 |
2015/03/17 |
Ganić, Mehmed |
What drives the profitability of the banking sector? An Empirical evidence from Bosnia &Herzegovina |
17/03/2015 |
2015/03/17 |
Dinică, Mihai Cristian |
Testing the Weak-Form Market Eficiency of the Euronext Wheat |
17/03/2015 |
2015/03/17 |
Aluculesei, Alina - Cerasela |
Organizational Stress for Retail Store Employees in Romania Is Spa Tourism a Solution? |
17/03/2015 |
2015/03/17 |
Micu, Alexandra |
The Financial Crisis and the Management of Change in the Banking Sector |
2014/12/23 |
2014/12/23 |