
The list of articles, whether published or unpublished

Authors Article title Published at Post date
Rahmi Yamak Comparing Equation of Exchange and Wage-Cost Mark-up Identity for Turkish Economy 2015/12/26
Ramona Iulia Țarțavulea (Dieaconescu) Estimating a corporate governance index for companies in Greece 2015/12/26
Banu Tanrıöver Business Cycle Asymmetry: Deepness and Steepness in Turkey 2015/12/26
Saibu Olufemi Muibi Determining Optimal Crude Oil Price Benchmark in Nigeria: An Empirical Approach 2015/12/26
Khoutem Ben Jedidia Trade openness-financial development nexus: Bounds testing approach and causality tests for Tunisia 2015/12/26
Victor Danciu The Controversy of Corporate Social Responsibility: What Is Best For Business 2015/12/26
Orîndaru, Andreea Developing Marketing Higher Education Strategies Based on Students’ Satisfaction Evolution 2015/09/23
Hurduzeu, Raluca The Project of ‘Psychological Capitalization’ of the Romanian Wheat 2015/09/23
Zai, Paul Vasile Case study regarding local revenue collection rate in Romania between 2008-2013 2015/09/23
Voicu – Dorobanțu, Roxana Resilience or Flexibility– A Theoretical Approach on Romanian Development Regions 2015/09/23
Serkan, Taştan Is Current Account of Turkey Sustainable ? Evidence from Nonlinear Unit Root Tests 2015/09/23
Niculescu, Florentin Gabriel An Evaluation of the Economic Theoretical Potential of the Rural Environment Mismanged During 1956-2010 2015/09/23
Jora, Octavian-Dragomir Economic Freedom and Cultural Flourishing: A Praxeological Account on Value, Capital, Sustainability, and Identity 2015/09/23
Hurduzeu, Gheorghe An Analysis of Economic Growth, Competitiveness and Macroeconomic Imbalances in the European Union 2015/09/23
Li-Hsuan, Huang Impact of Unemployment on Crime in Europe 2015/09/23
Stober, Emmanuel Olusegun Unemployment Scourge: Rising to the Nigerian Challenge 16/06/2015 2015/06/16
Smirna, Tudor Gherasim The Struggles for the Establishment of the National Bank of Moldavia In Light of the Theory of Political... 16/06/2015 2015/06/16
Popescu, Maria-Floriana THE ENERGY ISSUES: A CORPUS-BASED ANALYSIS 16/06/2015 2015/06/16
Mihai, Mihaela NEET and Youth Exclusion 16/06/2015 2015/06/16
