
The list of articles, whether published or unpublished

Authors Article title Published at Post date
Ienciu, Nicoleta Maria Theoretical Fundamentals of Human Factor 2012/09/01 2012/09/01
Syed, Ammad Fiscal Responsiveness, Persistence and Discretion: A Case Study of Pakistan 2012/09/01 2012/09/01
Srinivasan, P. Tourism and Economic Growth in Sri Lanka: An ARDL Bounds Testing Approach 2012/09/01 2012/09/01
Shyti, Bederiana The impact of GIS application in the tourism development of Elbasan region 2012/09/01 2012/09/01
Savu, Blessy Mathew The Promise and Default of the “Kerala Model” 2012/09/01 2012/09/01
Saeed, Anum Validity of the Value Added Tax in the SAARC Region 2012/09/01 2012/09/01
Rajkumar, Paulrajan ‘e’ Ability of the emerging organised Indian vegetable and grocery retailers 2012/09/01 2012/09/01
Kiss, Marietta Rethinking the Typology of Western European Welfare States 2012/09/01 2012/09/01
Khodaparasti, Ramin Bashir The New Public Management And Social Justice In Iran: Elimination Of Subsidies 2012/09/01 2012/09/01
Ienciu, Ionel-Alin Corporate Governance and Ethical Behavior: A National Perspective 2012/09/01 2012/09/01
Hussain, Farah Causality between Financial Development and Economic Growth: Evidence from an Indian State 2012/09/01 2012/09/01
Ghiba, Nicolae Testing Purchasing Power Parity in Romania using standard unit root tests, with one structural break and cointegration... 2012/06/01 2012/06/01
Constantinescu, Alexandru The business cycles and the influence of economic confidence indicators in the European region 2012/06/01 2012/06/01
Untaru, Mircea Building bridges between higher education and the business environment for regional development in the South-East Europe 2012/06/01 2012/06/01
Tasos, Stylianou Economic Growth and Defense Spending in Greece, Turkey and Cyprus: Evidence from Cointegrated Panel Analysis 2012/06/01 2012/06/01
Szymański, Piotr Problems in business valuation – analysis of survey results 2012/06/01 2012/06/01
Reveiu, Adriana Business Clusters a Solution for Economic Development of Companies and Regions 2012/06/01 2012/06/01
Palakkod, Suhail Integration of Capital, Commodity and Currency Markets: A Study on Volatility Spillover 2012/06/01 2012/06/01
Mirza, Nawazish Some Preliminary Evidence on Stock Price Bubbles in an Emerging Market 2012/06/01 2012/06/01
Goudarzi, Mostafa Investigation of the Factors Affecting Real Exchange Rate in Iran 2012/06/01 2012/06/01
