
The list of articles, whether published or unpublished

Authors Article title Published at Post date
Maican, Ovidiu Horia The Future of the European Constitutional Evolution 2009/06/01 2014/04/14
Ilie, Anca Gabriela The Core of a New Type of Crisis : Subprime crisis 2009/06/01 2014/04/14
Horobeţ, Alexandra Uncovered Interest Parity and Financial Market Volatility 2009/06/01 2014/04/14
Danciu, Victor The Relationship Marketing Era for the Romanian Banking Institutions: Could It Bring Something Different 2009/06/01 2014/04/14
Naithani, Pranov Recession and Work-Life Balance Initiatives 2010/09/01 2014/04/13
Filipi, Gentiana Social accounting in Albania 2014/03/01 2014/03/01
Zyka, Eglantina Factors affecting the insurance sector development: Evidence from Albania 2014/03/01 2014/03/01
Zouheir, Abida Remittances, Financial Development and Economic Growth: The Case of North African Countries 2014/03/01 2014/03/01
Ugur, Ahmet Long Term Validity of Monetary Exchange Rate Model: Evidence from Turkey 2014/03/01 2014/03/01
Ștefănescu, Cristina Alexandrina Transparency in European banking system – a technical and economic approach 2014/03/01 2014/03/01
Krishnankutty, Raveesh The Determinants of Corporate debt maturity: a study on listed companies of Bombay Stock Exchange 500 index 2014/03/01 2014/03/01
Olaleye, Samuel Olasode Government Expenditure and Economic Growth: An Empirical Analysis of the Armey Curve in Nigeria 2014/03/01 2014/03/01
Malešević Perović, Lena Investigating sectoral aspect of FDI in OECD countries 2014/03/01 2014/03/01
Güler, Sevinç The Determinants of Stock Market Returns: An ARDL Investigation on Borsa Istanbul 2014/03/01 2014/03/01
Madni, Ghulam Rasool Instrumental Effects of Fiscal Policy for Pakistan Economy 2013/12/01 2013/12/01
Boța-Avram, Cristina Effects Of Governance On Corporate Ethics: A Cross- Country Investigation 2013/12/01 2013/12/01
Murea, Maria Mirona Towards what Horizon is EU headed by 2020? An overview of the new EU financial program 2013/12/01 2013/12/01
Avdi, Enkelejda Autonomy and Financial Sources, Key Factors in the Performance of Health Insurance Scheme: Case of Albania 2013/12/01 2013/12/01
Sharma, Supran Kumar Relationship of Corporate Social Responsibility with Consumer Buying Behavior: An Indian Perspective 2013/12/01 2013/12/01
Shahini, Besa Challenges of Tuition fee’s decision: Private Universities case in Kosovo 2013/12/01 2013/12/01
