
The list of articles, whether published or unpublished

Authors Article title Published at Post date
László Attila Csapó The Role of Information Management in the Corporate Development and Controlling of the Smart Cities 2018/10/10
Imen Mohamed Sghaier Financial Development, Institutions and Economic Growth in North African Countries 2018/10/10
Nungki Pradita The Decision to Apply for Bank Credits: A Preliminary Investigation of MSME Herding Behavior from Indonesia 2018/10/10
Mohammad Kashif Khan Political Connection, Public Good Activism and Network in India: An Analysis of RSBY Health Scheme 2018/10/10
Francis Lwesya Export Diversification and Poverty Reduction in Tanzania 2018/10/10
W.A. Isola Monetary Policy and Small and Medium Enterprises’ Performance in Selected West African Countries 2018/10/10
Dada James Temitope Financial Deregulation and Economic Growth in Nigeria: Evidence from Error Correction Model 2018/10/10
Constantin Schipor The Welfare State Development: Romania - between Perceptions and Reality 2018/06/30
Diana Ramona Popescu Strengths and Weaknesses in the Activity of County Chambers of Commerce from the Perspective of Romanian Small and... 2018/06/30
Cristian Dîrvă Managing Resilience to Change in Merger and Acquisitions 2018/06/30
Victor Danciu The Changing Focus of Green Marketing: From Ecological to Sustainable Marketing (III) 2018/06/30
Narinder Pal Singh Global Financial Crisis and Price Risk Management in Gold Futures Market- Evidences from Indian & US Markets 2018/06/29
Francis Lwesya Export Diversification and Poverty Reduction in Tanzania 2018/06/29
Chukwuma Stephen Chukwudumebi The Significance of Fringe Benefits on Employee Morale and Productivity 2018/06/29
Kamel Helali A New Assessment of the Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment and Capacity Utilization in Tunisia 2018/06/29
Abu Hasan The Dynamics of Electricity Consumption, Energy Use and GDP in Bangladesh 2018/06/29
Sonia Budz Opportunities and Challenges of the Relationship between Quality of Services and Social Media 2018/06/29
Dana Blideanu The Entrepreneurial Culture in Europe - New Challenges in the New Economy 2018/06/29
Violeta Iftinchi The Pros and Cons of Using Joint Ventures as a Tool to Mitigate Political Risks in Developing Countries 2018/03/29
Victor Danciu The Green Marketing Focus Changing: From Ecological to Sustainable Marketing (II) 2018/03/29
