
The list of articles, whether published or unpublished

Authors Article title Published at Post date
Alina Neamtu (Idorasi) Creating Effective Customer Solutions – a Global Perspective 2020/04/03
Popogbe Oluwaseyi Agriculture Financing and Growth Performance in Nigeria: Pre-2000 and Post-2000 Analyses 2020/04/03
Ozan Gülhan Determinants of the Informal Economy in EU Countries 2020/04/03
Bogdan Bazgă Analyzing the Importance of Food Security for the Romanian Economy 2019/12/20
Oana Mădălina Popescu The impact of Terrorist Attacks on the World Economy. Stock Market Case Study 2019/12/17
Ionel Preda Calculation of Life Cycle Costs in Green Procurement of Passenger Cars from Romania 2019/12/17
Mustafa Ünlü Overtıme ın the Prıvate Sector ın Turkey: an Analyze by Tobıt Model 2019/12/17
Tsvetelina Marinova Cooperative Agricultural Farms in Bulgaria during Communism (1944-1989): an Institutional Reconstruction 2019/12/17
Saidou Baba Oumar Rethinking the Geometry of the Demand and Supply Functions 2019/12/17
Mirela Diaconescu Migration and Sustainable Development in the Context of Globalization 2019/12/17
Robert Bumbac A Future-Oriented Entrepreneurship Education Process: The FRESHconsult Project 2019/10/06
Dragoș Pală The geostrategic choke points of Bosporus and Dardanelles in the context of the New Silk Road 2019/10/03
Maria Nițu Tax Havens and Offshore Centers – A Reality of the 21st Century 2019/10/03
Iulia Oana Florea Money Laundering: Case Studies and Countermeasures 2019/10/03
Majid Esmaeilpour Effect of Customer Experiences on Consumer Purchase Intention 2019/10/03
Spyros Roukanas Is Japan a Pioneer in High Technology Exports? 2019/10/03
Diana Ramona Popescu Commercial Arbitration in the Context of Increasing International Trade Disputes 2019/06/25
Filip-Alexandru Negreanu-Arboreanu The Romanian Gas Hub in the Context of an Emerging Global Gas Market 2019/06/25
Răzvan Murariu Globalization of Climate Risks 2019/06/25
Florin Cristea Upscale Value through Restructuring 2019/06/25
