Elena Florentina Matei |
COVID-19 Pandemic and Measures Implemented at the Level of European States |
2022/12/13 |
Gabriela Călinescu |
The Applications of Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence in Logistics |
2022/12/13 |
Ruth Odin |
Auditors’ Independence, Audit Tenureship, Firm Characteristics and Audit Quality: Evidence from Nigeria |
2022/12/13 |
Abdul Azeez N.P |
Relationship between Demographic Factors and Digital Financial Literacy |
2022/12/13 |
Abdul Azeez N.P |
Relationship between Demographic Factors and Digital Financial Literacy |
2022/12/13 |
Cristian Negrutiu |
Determinants of Venture Capital Investments in Tech Start-UPS |
2022/12/13 |
Daniel Metz |
The Link between Mission and Performance Management System – Empirical Results from an ITC Company |
2022/12/13 |
Ramona Iulia Dieaconescu |
Impact of Oil Price Evolution on Logistics Industry |
2022/12/13 |
Khayaladdin R. Taghiyev |
Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on Digital Payments in Azerbaijan |
2022/07/01 |
Pascalis Seran |
Investigating the Efficiency of Indonesian Employee Pension Funds |
2022/07/01 |
Victor T. Ojapinwa |
Diaspora Remittances, Renewable Energy and Enterprise Growth in Nigeria |
2022/07/01 |
Maria Mirona Murea |
How Smart Power Influences Economic Power – A Brief Overview on the Sino-American Tariff War from 2018 to 2021 |
2022/07/01 |
Victor Danciu |
Renewal of the Business Strategy, a Prerequisite for Success in the Past-Pandemic Future |
2022/07/01 |
Elvira Lussana |
Connaître autrement pour une autre université |
2022/07/01 |
Dragos Andrei Stoica |
General Opinions about the Adoption of IAS/IFRS in Romania |
2021/12/24 |
Ihab S KH Jweida |
COVID-19 Impact on International Migration |
2021/12/21 |
Daniel Rusu |
Implementing the Innovation Strategy in International SMEs |
2021/12/21 |
Mihai Christopher Marian Radovici |
EU’s Security Strategy |
2021/12/21 |
Mihai Christopher Marian Radovici |
EU’s Security Strategy |
2021/12/21 |
Ioan-Cătălin Murărașu |
The Impact of European Environmental Policies on Energy Prices. Possible Solutions in the Black Sea Region |
2021/12/21 |