
The list of articles, whether published or unpublished

Authors Article title Published at Post date
Iseghohi Judith Omon Migrant’s Remittances and Economic Growth in the West Africa Monetary Zones 2020/12/18
J.A Obadeyi Barriers of Microfinance Banks’ Credit Delivery to Small Enterprises: An Empirical Analysis from South-Western Nigeria 2020/12/18
Mihaela Gabriela Belu Blockchain Technology and Customs Procedures 2020/12/18
Brikena Leka An Overview of the Pandemic Impact in the Economy of Albania 2020/12/18
Chiripuci Bogdan-Cristian Waste management in Europe – from theory to practice 2020/09/30
Alina Petronela Alexoaei The relevance of national competitiveness for the entrepreneurial environment 2020/09/30
Sunardi Sunardi Men, Money and Household Economy: How Behavioral Approach Explain It 2020/09/30
Anthony Orji Your job or your health? Analysis of unemployment issues and health outcomes in Nigeria 2020/09/30
Etleva Bajrami The impact of public debt on economic growth in Albania 2020/09/30
Abubakar Baba Bashir Energy consumption, production and environmental pollution in Nigeria 2020/09/30
Mihai Diaconescu Some considerations regarding the new trends in marketing approaches 2020/09/30
Maria Nitu The Connection between Corruption and the Underground Economy- An Obstacle on Innovation and Development of the... 2020/07/10
Iulia Oana Florea Money Laundering Through Cryptocurrencies 2020/07/10
Mihaela-Sorina Dumitrescu The Fight against Terrorism in the European Union 2020/07/10
Risanty Does Business Ethics Affect Good Corporate Governance? Experience from Indonesian State-Owned Enterprise 2020/07/10
Robert Dobre Artificial Intelligence Sector: The Next Technology Bubble? A Comparative Analysis with Dotcom Based on Stock Market... 2020/07/10
Victor Danciu The Global Value Chain in Coronavirus Era: An Impact Approach 2020/07/10
Corina-Mihaela Petre (Răşineanu) The Villages with Fortified Churches in the South of Transylvania - Tourism and Economic Potential 2020/04/03
Maria Nițu The Economic-Financial Crime of the 21st Century 2020/04/03
Alexandra Micu Risk Assessment in Banking Reorganization 2020/04/03
